August 2024 Member of the Month

From Struggles to Strength: Amanda’s Inspirational Fitness And Welness Journey

Here at Future Fitness Training, we believe every member has a unique and inspiring story to share. This month, we are proud to spotlight Amanda, whose dedication and transformation have truly impressed us. Amanda’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, self-improvement, and the supportive community we foster here at Future Fitness Training. Let’s dive into Amanda’s story and see what motivates, the challenges that have been overcome, and the wisdom Amanda has to share with those just starting their fitness journeys.

What Motivated Amanda to Start A Fitness Journey?


Amanda’s fitness journey began three years ago, following the end of a relationship. She was looking for a way to better herself, and the gym became a place of solace and self-improvement. Initially, her motivation was rooted in personal recovery, but as time went on, it evolved into something more profound.

“I first got back into fitness after getting out of a relationship and trying to better myself,” Amanda shares. “Over the three years I’ve been back in the gym, my motivation has become trying to achieve an androgynous appearance and being happy with the way I present myself.”

Amanda’s story is a beautiful reminder that fitness can be more than just physical transformation; it’s also about self-discovery and embracing who you are. Her journey highlights the importance of setting personal goals and finding what truly makes you happy in your fitness endeavors.

Overcoming Challenges Along the Way

Every fitness journey has its challenges, and Amanda’s has been no exception. One of the biggest hurdles she faced was changing her nutritional habits. “The biggest challenge has definitely been nutrition!” Amanda admits. “I used to snack all the time and ate pretty poorly, trying to do whatever I could to hit 100g of protein a day.”

Transitioning to healthier eating habits is a common struggle for many. Amanda’s experience is a great example of how persistence and gradual changes can lead to better nutrition.

Graduating from college and starting a sedentary desk job was another significant challenge Amanda had to adapt to. Maintaining an active lifestyle while working a desk job can be tough, but Amanda found ways to incorporate fitness into her daily routine.

“A recurring challenge for me is anything to do with leg day, but we make it through every week!” she adds with a smile. This lighthearted take on leg day struggles is something many of us can relate to. It shows that even the toughest days in the gym are manageable with the right mindset and determination.

A New Perception of Fitness and Wellness

Amanda’s Weight Loss Progress

Since joining Future Fitness Training, Amanda’s perception of fitness and wellness has significantly improved. She has come to understand that fitness is much more than just showing up at the gym.

“Fitness and wellness is much more than just showing up,” she explains. “The staff are all very encouraging and super approachable, which helps a ton!”

Amanda’s experience with our supportive staff highlights the importance of a positive gym environment. Here at Future Fitness Training, we strive to create a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere for all our members. Our team is always here to provide guidance, motivation, and support to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Amanda’s Advice for Newcomers

Amanda’s journey has taught her valuable lessons, and she has some wise words for those just starting their fitness journeys.

“Stick with it and trust the process! Especially with eating!” she advises. “Knock out any running cardio days early in the week to leave the fun stuff for late in the week.”

Amanda’s advice emphasizes the importance of consistency and trusting the process. Fitness is a journey, and progress takes time. By sticking with it and making gradual changes, you can achieve your goals and enjoy the journey along the way.

Celebrating Amanda’s Success

We are incredibly proud of Amanda and her ongoing success. Her dedication and transformation are truly inspiring, and we are honored to have her as part of our Future Fitness Training family.

As a token of our appreciation, Amanda will receive an exclusive rewards package, including:

  • 50-Minute Personal Training Session: This session is a chance for Amanda to receive personalized guidance and push her limits with one-on-one attention from one of our expert trainers. It’s an opportunity to refine her technique, learn new exercises, and continue progressing on her journey.
  • FFT Member of the Month Shirt: Wearing this exclusive shirt, Amanda can proudly showcase her achievement and inspire others in the gym. It’s not just a piece of clothing but a symbol of her hard work and dedication.
  • Dedicated Screen on Front Display: For the entire month of June, Amanda’s story and achievements will be highlighted on our front display screen. This recognition serves to motivate and encourage other members to keep striving for their own goals.

Amanda’s story is a reminder that no matter where you start, with dedication and the right support, you can achieve incredible things. We look forward to seeing her continue to grow and reach new heights on her fitness journey.

Join Us and Start Your Own Journey

Inspired by Amanda’s story? Ready to start your own fitness journey? Join us at Future Fitness Training and become part of a community that supports and celebrates your success. Our team is here to help you every step of the way, providing the guidance and encouragement you need to achieve your fitness goals.

Remember, every journey starts with a single step. Take that step with us today and discover the incredible transformation that awaits you. Together, we can achieve greatness!

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from our members as we continue to celebrate the achievements of our Future Fitness Training family.